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Baby feeding

How long are mothers encouraged to breast-feed?

Breast-feeding for at least four months helps boost your baby's immune system. Breast-feeding throughout the first year is ideal. Most breast-feeding mothers in my practice wean their babies between ages 9 and 15 months

What factors can promote successful breast-feeding?

Taking good care of yourself can go a long way toward promoting successful breast-feeding. Eat healthy foods, drink plenty of fluids and rest as much as possible. To boost your confidence, learn as much as you can about breast-feeding. Keep the environment calm and relaxed. Look to your partner and other loved ones for support. If things aren't going well, ask for help. Friends who've successfully breast-fed may be a good source of information. Lactation consultants are available at many hospitals and clinics. Your baby's doctor can help, too.

Is it risky not to breast-feed?

Breast milk is the best food for babies — but risk is a relative term. Although breast-feeding your baby is certainly beneficial, proper nourishment is absolutely necessary. If breast-feeding isn't working for you despite your best attempts to succeed, your baby may not receive adequate hydration or nutrition. In this case, sticking with it for your baby's sake may pose serious risks.


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